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The Watersmeet Hotel
North Devon
EX34 7EB
Telephone: 01271 870 333
Fax: 01271 870 890
Email: enquiries@watersmeethotel.co.uk
The Direct Route
Leave the M5 at Junction 27 signposted Tiverton and A361 to Barnstaple.
Follow the A361 to Barnstaple and continue on this road over the new Barnstaple bridge and through Braunton towards Ilfracombe.
Five miles past Braunton you will come to Mullacott Cross roundabout. Turn left to Woolacombe on the B3343 and follow the road into Woolacombe.
Turn right along the Esplanade following the sign to Mortehoe. The hotel is three-quarters of a mile on the left-hand side.
The Scenic Route
If you are visiting us from Bristol, Birmingham, the M4 or the North then we would recommend that you make one of your journeys along the North Devon coast road.
It will take you longer but if you have the time it would be a fascinating little trip in its own right and will make you feel that you are really travelling deep into the heart of rural Devon and, it has to be said, back in time!
Leave the M5 at Junction 23 (Bridgwater) and take the A39 signed for Minehead. You’ll pass some stunning countryside which will make you wonder which century you’re in.
If you’re feeling fit wander down to St Audries Bay in the Quantox – the tiny villages of Watchet or Blue Anchor Bay are worth a quick look too.
We would certainly recommend stopping off at the picturesque, medieval village of Dunster, with its ancient castle and many listed buildings. There are plenty of good places in Dunster for coffee, teas and lunches.
We would suggest bypassing Minehead but stopping off at Porlock Weir if there’s time. The remote village of Porlock was featured in a spy novel I once read. If you do visit you will immediately see what caught the author’s imagination. It’s also easy to imagine the Famous Five getting into mischief there too!
Make sure you leave enough time to visit the very special former Victorian seaside resorts of Lynton and Lynemouth. Who said, “It’s not the arriving, it’s the getting there that counts.”